Tuesday, November 28, 2006


A reminder of how things still are for some children in India, found at the unlikeliest place Digital Video Editing

It is also interesting to read how the idea for movie was conceptualized and executed.

DMN: You are in software development yet you made a very interesting film. Have you had experience with filmmaking in the past? Do you intend to make more films in the future?
AD: Yes I am into software, but we all are into films, because we know how to pick the right film. I had no experience in filmmaking before. This is the first film I made, thanks to the electronics technology because of which a film can be made with very less cost and of course thanks to the Internet technology, my film has reached to you and all. Yes I want to make more films in the future. Thank you for liking my film

Alexis Dias made a movie because he was into films and knew how to pick the right film. The story is a good example of empowerment of 'average' consumers and the powerful message that can be delivered in user generated content