Monday, February 27, 2006

What a weekend...

Last weekend and the days leading up to it were quite a whirl wind. Feels like I have done a lot and yet it feels like I did not do much. So what am I talking about...

Due to my usual attitude of committing to more things than I can handle, I signed up with a couple of friend to participate in the then Venture Capital competition, somehow I also got roped into participating into the Technology Case competition. As if that was not enough it turned out to be the weekend for which the Wharton Technology conference was planned for and I had signed up for a bunch of work for the conference. All in all the stars had aligned to make sure that the few things that I wanted to give my best to during this quarter were all going to happen back to back and... this is the best part... it would be the weekend before the finals.

Living one day at a time is perhaps not the most strategic way to live but in circumstances such a these it can work well. So the first thing I did was to deal with the tech case, our team cranked away at the case till we could bear it no more. The thought was, we will give it our best and we did. Cruising on less than 2 hours of sleep somehow made it though these days, managed to not cause any disaster at the conference and spent the next 48 hours brainstorming, arguing, debating and discussing the business plans for the VC competition (BTW, 5 words do not do justice to the process, the VCIC competition merits its own posting maybe I will write one up over the spring break).

Guess what we ended up with 2 for 2!

My team won both the competitions and we get to represent Wharton at the regional competition. The thought is both intimidating and exciting at the same time...