Thursday, December 22, 2005

One language... one world

I am sure you have wondered like I do sometimes, what would it be like to have a single language that might become the means of unifying the world.

A language that is not biased because it was created or nurtured in a particular culture or region.

A language not tainted by ethnic or other considerstions.
A language that reflects the expressiveness of Spanish while retaining the logical simplicity of the grammar of Sanskrit.
A language that would be easy to learn for everyone...

There is such a language... well at least there is a language created keeping similar ideals in mind...

It is called Esperanto.

Here is a site that gives the flavor for the language.

Believe it or not, as is the case for everything else a quick check of Wharton student body reveals that there is one person who is fluent in this language!